10 Nov 2022

This delay returns the campaign “Avança’t al Nadal i compra a la Pobla” returns

After the success of participation, last year, of the campaign “Avança’t al Nadal i Compra a la Pobla”, the second edition starts this Thursday. Until November 30, shop at one of the more than 40 participating stores and ask them to stamp your passport. When you have collected 12 different stamps you will participate in the draw for three baskets valued at more than €400. During the Christmas Fair, on December 10, a draw will be held to find out the three winners of the prizes.

In addition, during these 20 days of the campaign, the shops and stores in La Pobla participating in the campaign also offer promotions discounts. The campaign has been organized by the Pobla Activa association, recently created, together with the City Council of La Pobla de Segur. The councilor for Economic Promotion, Josep Maria Tirbió, explained that the objective of the campaign is “to help plan ahead for the needs to hold the festivities and do so by talking advantage of all the discounts that merchants will offer”.

The businesses participating in the second edition of the campaign “Avança’t al Nadal i Compra a la Pobla” are: Arran d’Herba; Bazar Oriental; Bellera Cansaladeria; Bicis NonStop; Brifor; Cal Tomàs; Cansalederia Prió; Carns Bastus; Centre de Dietètica i Salut El Bosc; Centre Estètic Alba; Cervesa Pirineus SL; Clínica Martí Maset; Companys; Confeccions Bertran; El Rebost; Et Pentino?; Farmàcia Gabàs; Farmàcia Solduga; Ferreteria Lloan SL; Flors Olivia; Freeride Pallars; Fuentes Casanova SL; Gayot Flowers&Bags; Impremta Torres; La Cuina de la Núria; LaMarta Estilistes; Licors Portet 1833; Llibreria Chalamanch; Llibreria El Tinter; Loteria La Ganxa; Manum Fisioteràpia; Mestre; Mobles Comenje SL; Mobles Costa; Òptica el Batlliu; Pastisseria Sant Miquel; Pere Cortina; Perruqueria Teresa; Pirineu Emoció; Postres de Músic; Restaurant La Cuineta; Ro7 Vins; Safrà del Pallars; SuPelu Natural. In addition, the Pastisseria Albert Will contribute to the baskets.