The garden of books

The garden of books

The Garden of Books is a second-hand book shop and products with special value located in the old Tourist Office of La Pobla de Segur, in the Conjunt Mauri.

July / August: Saturday from 11 am to 2pm

September – June: Friday from 5:30pm to 7:30pm / Saturday from 11am to 2pm and from 5:30pm to 7:30pm

What is Alba Jussà?

We promoted the Alba Jussà project in September 2014, signing an agreement with the Pallars Jussà Regional Council with the aim of helping to promote the creation of an entity that offers services to people with disabilities in the territory with a vision of full inclusion. Alba Jussà was born thanks to the collaboration of the Alba Association and the Pallars Jussà Regional Council to improve the conditions and quality of life of infants, young people and the elderly in Pallars. This collaboration agreement aims to offer services to people who contribute to social inclusion and their development in the social, emancipation or labor field. Alba Jussà also promotes awareness-raising and volunteering activities, opening its work to Europe by sending and welcoming young Europeans. In addition, it is in contact with the social services of the Regional Council and with other entities in the territory to detect new opportunities and implement them in the region. We weave networks with people and entities in the territory to detect new opportunities and turn Alba Jussà into a community project.