
Municipal Services

  • 973 68 00 38
  • Ajuntament de la Pobla de Segur
    Av. Verdaguer, 35
    25500 La Pobla de Segur
  • Monday to Thursday from 11h to 14h

Social services

The Social Services of Primary Attention constitute the point of immediate access and the closest step to the citizen of the system of social services.

The social services are the group of services and programs oriented to promote actions that have for object contribute to improve the living quality of all the citizens, and in specific way, of those that need a special support: childhood and adolescence, family, woman, old people, immigration…


  • Inform, orient and advise the citizens in topics of the social field.
  • Transact different applications of benefits, pensions and aids.
  • Detect and treat the problematic situations in risk collectives.
  • Prevent diverse problematic.
  • Support people, families or groups.
  • Community work and revitalization of the population.
  • Facilitate access to specific resources.
  • Derive, if necessary, to the Specialized Attention Social Services.

Public opening hours

The County Council of the Pallars Jussà has signed an agreement with the Department of Welfare and Families of the Generalitat de Catalunya for the cooperation in social services. The Basic Team of Primary Social Attention, compound by a coordinator of social services, a social worker and a social educator, loans his services to the population of the municipality of la Pobla de Segur.

Attention to the public takes place in the City council of la Pobla de Segur of Monday to Thursday from 11 to 14 hours. Visits can be programmed by phone (+34 973 680 038), or in the offices of the City council of la Pobla de Segur.