Economic Development area
The area of Economic Development takes care of the revitalization of the municipality from several faces:
- Preparation and coordination of projects related with economic development, tourism or culture and others, jointly with the County Council of the Pallars Jussà, the Service of Employment of Catalonia, the Deputation of Lleida, the Institute of Studies Ilerdencs (IEI), the Institute for the Development and Promotion of the Alt Pirineu i Aran (IDAPA), the Department of Culture of the Generality, amongst others.
- Coordination of the project Collegats-Boumort
- Management of the placement service and diffusion of courses and formation that are done in the zone and can be of interest for the inscribed
- Organisation of the Christmas’s Market
- Support to associations and entities
- Coordination with other areas of the City council in the management of projects and activities
- Networking with companies of the municipality and diffusion of information that can be of their interest