30 Aug 2018

Summer ends with the annual celebration of Sant Joan

With the arrival of September, Sant Joan’s neighbours are ready to start their annual festivities. One more year, the party will begin on Friday with a popular dinner and a bingo in with its traditional animal prizes. Besides, this year there will also be a big bellies contest.

Saturday begins with the poker and “botifarra” contest at 6.00pm and in the night there will be a dance with Sakabat Band and a DJ. The night party will be full of surprises for all the assistants!

On Sunday the Holy Mass of Annual Celebration will take place at midday. In theafternoon we will have activities for the children and a hot coco for everybody. Later in the afternoon we will have a dance with Elisabteh Majoral to put an end to the festival.

We wish you a great annual celebration!