8 Feb 2019

Pyrenees nature and sports station open day

The Pyrenees nature and sports station open day was held last Saturday with the presence of Roger Torrent, president of the Catalan Parliament, Lluís Bellera, mayor of la Pobla de Segur and Constantí Aranda, president of the Consell Comarcal del Pallars Jussà.

This ancient train station has been restored with an investment of  €336.000,91, funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) in a 65%, and by the Ministry of Business and Knowledge of the Generalitat de  Catalunya in a 35%. The restoration has converted this ancient train station in the Tourism office of la Pobla de Segur, a sporty service space and an interpretative space of this area focused on Vall Fosca and Collegats Boumort. All the spaces created in the station have the aim of spreading a sustainable development and promoting the conservation of the natural and cultural heritage.

The sport fans will find a library which has plenty of books related to sports practice in our area and they will be able also to take a shower and repair their bicycles. The interpretative space will allow our visitors to appreciate the natural flora and fauna living in our region and they will know also how electrical energy is produced. Films about our traditions, like Falles or Raiers will be also projected in the interpretative space.

The Tourism office has been moved to the train station in order to be the information center of the vilage. There you will find all the information about route, what to visit and what to do in our area.