Job offer: Director of the Nostra Senyora de Ribera Residence and Day Center
The Nostra Senyora de Ribera Residence Municipal Public Foundation has published this offer in the OTG of Tremp:
- Diploma, bachelor’s degree or university degree in the social or health field
- Catalan level C1 certificate
- Full-time 1-year contract with the possibility of extension
- Annual gross salary of €38,588.78
Approximate start: 12/1/2022
Deadline to submit: 11/18/2022
The definition of the tasks is established in the professional profile of the Committee of Experts in Training in the Field of Social Action, which is a collegiate body attached to the general secretary of the Department of Social Rights of the Generalitat of Catalonia. In general, they will consist of the following, including but not limited to:
Work in relation to the users, their family or reference person
- Comprehensive quality care, with comfort and safety, for all residents, guaranteeing it 24 hours a day and every day of the year.
- Care of compliance with the rights of the resident and the free will of the entry or permanence of the people cared for in the residence.
- Assessment of care and the needs of the people served, as well as any changes that may occur.
- Promotion and facilitation of personalized relationships with residents and with the family of users.
- Strengthening the participation of the resident’s family in planning the activities of the residence.
- Solution to complaints and/or suggestions that residents or their relatives may present.
Work in relation to the indisciplinary team
- Exercise of the functions of chief of staff
- Monitoring of continuous training and recycling of all staff, favoring interpersonal relationships in the team.
Work related to the organization of the center
- Planning, direction and supervision of all the services and activities of the residence.
- Preparation of specific work objectives from the general management planning; establishing, if necessary, the calendar, those responsible and the appropriate follow-up.
- Responsibility and coordination of the different care areas of the residential center.
- Annual assessment of the degree of quality of the services and the degree of user satisfaction.
- Updating of the official documentation of the center and the corresponding information of the users, ensuring compliance with the established legal requirements.
- Coordination of user care to be carried out in related services and institutions
Day Center
Work in relation to the people cared for, their family or reference person
- Adequacy and adaptation of the environment to the needs of assistance and comprehensive care during the hours of service provision.
- Responsibility for compliance and updating of the individual care plan of each person attended according to the degree of dependency of the user and their care needs.
- Responsibility for the correct coordination of the center team with the family or reference persons regarding the work plan with the user.
- Compliance with the rights of the user and the regulations of the internal regime of the day center.
- Guarantee, when necessary, that the center team develops an adequate containment work with the family or reference persons (friends, neighbors, etc…) of the user.
- Promotion and facilitation of personalized relationships with users and with their family or reference persons.
- Empowerment of the active role of the user’s family or reference persons in planning day center activities.
- Representation of the institution before the family or reference persons and response to complaints and suggestions that they may present.
Tasks in relation to the staff of the day center
- Responsibility for the correct development of the functions of the remaining team, in accordance with the work objectives determined for prior planning.
- Establishment and facilitation of the existence of communication channels and circuits between the team of professionals and volunteer staff of the center to guarantee multidisciplinary work and offer good care to users.
- Exercise of the functions of chief of staff
- Ensure the prevention of professional stress in the center.
- Ensure continuous training and retraining of all staff.
Work related to the organization of the center
- Planning, direction and supervision of all services and activities of the day center.
- Responsibility for the functional organization of the center.
- Coordination with the shared services of the teams.
- Annual assessment of the degree of quality of the services and the degree of user satisfaction
- Updating of the official documentation of the center and the corresponding information of the users, ensuring compliance with the established legal requirements.
- Coordination with related social and community institutions and also, especially, with the resources of the area’s primary care network.
STEP 1: If you have not done so, register as an occupation applicant at 900 800 046
STEP 2: Register for the offer by sending your CV to: indicating the code “Offer 27882”
STEP 3: Make the face-to-face application at the Nostra Senyora de Ribera Residence Municipal Public Foundation registry (located in the Pobla de Segur Town Hall) or electronic application at the Pobla de Segur Town Hall, attaching:
- Photocopy of the DNI
- Curriculum Vitae
- Working life report
- Photocopy of the required academic qualification
- Photocopy of the C1 level certificate of Catalan
- Certified photocopy of the documents proving the training and experience related to the field of offer.
Presidential Resolution 75/2022 of November 11, 2022 on the selection process for the hiring of a Director of the Nostra Senyora de Ribera Residence and Day Center (FPMNSR) under the temporary labor regime. You can consult it here.