

No. route 3

R03: Torallola – Rivert – Salàs de Pallars

This route goes parallel to the C-13 towards Sant Joan de Vinyafrescal, a village that offers a magnificent panoramic view of Sant Antoni. We lead towards the Sant Roc Chapel. Following this itinerary, we advance leaving the villages of Torallola and Toralla at our right all the time, in order to arrive at the crossing of the Rivert road, where we can visit its beautiful fountain and the pond in the Villa’s Square. The road follows though the Salas forest, rich in mushroom during autumn, until we arrive at Salàs de Pallars, a village surrounded by walls in the past which one must visit.We come back to La Pobla de Segur by the old road, passing under the old Solà bridge and going back to the starting point.