From the city Council of La Pobla de Segur we are working on the socio-economic revitalization plan for La Pobla de Segur, which we have called “La Pobla de Segur: Horitzó 2030” the realization of the plan offers the opportunity to reflect on the desirable and possible future local development model, in the participatory way and seeking consensus between the different socio-economic agents of the municipality. To do this, it is necessary to start from the current model of life, see the potential of the municipality and form there, outline strategic lines and identify actions to achieve this model of local development.
The presentation took place on April 6 at the Molí de l’Oli and the workshop “Escenaris de future”, open to the whole town, with the participation of about twenty people. You can find the results of the workshop in the attachments at the bottom of this page.
Instagram campaign from April 27 to May 3
From April 27 to May 3, an Instagram campaign is planned to gather the opinion of the villagers on various topics. A question will be posted every day on Instagram stories, with an open answer on that topic.
The following meetings and workshops are planned, of which we will keep you informed:
- Thematic meeting of the trade and services sector: May 4 at 3 pm in the plenary hall of the City Council
- Thematic meeting of the primary sector (farming, livestock and agri-food processing): May 4 at 6 pm in the plenary hall of the City Council.
- Meeting of companies linked to the industrial estate: May 11 at 7 pm in the plenary hall of the City Council.
- Participatory social workshop open to all citizens: May 25 at 6 pm at the Molí de l’Oli. We will deal with housing, services for the elderly, children, youth, education, mobility and infrastructure, heritage.