27 Nov 2018

One more year of Firaski!

Firaski and 2nd-hand Market of ski, mountain and climbing material are back. They will take place on Saturday December 8th, in the Municipal Sports Pavilion of la Pobla de Segur.

You can deliver your second hand material to be sold on Friday the 7th from 4 pm to 8 pm, or on Saturday, all day long (even though we reccomend you to deliver it before 10 am, the market opening hour).

The following companies and entities will have their stands in the Firaski’18:

  • Albert Sangenís. sportive antiquities
  • Brifor. Ski material
  • Bussetus. Technical clothes
  • Calçats Querol. Sports material, footwear and clothes
  • Collegats-Boumort. Project of dinamització tourist. Promoted by the Town Council of la Pobla de Segur the RNC of Boumort
  • Bookshop Chalamanch. Books, maps, guide
  • Piritrek. Technical clothes, activities and solidary calendars
  • Ringana. Fresh  and vegan products for health and sport
  • SkiTime. Skis repairing
  • Tavascan.  High mountain resort

During the day there the CEPS has programmed several activities:

All day, contest instagram, exhibition of the contest of handicrafts “The mountains of the Pallars”, childish workshops with the Pioners i Caravel·les of the local scout group, rent of mountain bikes, draws of material offered by the our sponsors, service of bar in charge of the students of 4th grade of ESO and repair of skis by SkiTime.

10:00 h   Inauguration of the Firaski and opening of the recinte firal and Market of manually
11 to 14 h  Children Workshops with the Pioners i Caravel·les de l’EPS
12:00 h   Start of the RocoFiraski childish (born since 2003), climbing competition in the climbing wall.
17 to 20 h  Children Workshops  with the Pioners i Caravel·les de l’EPS
17:30 h    Delivery of prizes of the contest of handicrafts and children meal with pastries and hot coco
18:00 h    Opening of RocoFiraski (born 2002 and before), climbing competition in the climbing wall.
19:00 h    Grand Final RocoFiraski, competition climbing in the climbing wall.