

Municipal Kindergarten

In September 1997 was opened the first public educational centre for children from 1 to 3 years in la Pobla: “The Kindergarten the Mushrooms”.

The creation of this service, to give answer to the educational needs of the families with small children, was the first step to initiate the project of the current “Municipal Kindergarten of la Pobla de Segur” that started its activity in September 2010.

The new kindergarten, located in c/Dr. Durany 2, is a public educational centre for children from 0 to 3 years.

The building has some excellent functional characteristics: a lot of natural light and elements of sustainable building (water reuse systems, thermal solar panels…)

The school is divided in different rooms that are used in big or small groups depending on the educational proposals.

We have a big inner space that we call “SUM”: the core of the school. It is ideal as a space of meeting and good-bye with the families and also to improve
psychomotricity in big group.

We have own spaces of kitchen, canteen and bedroom that allow us to offer the families the service of lunch and rest (of 12:00h to 15:00h)

The school has 2 big external areas with direct access from the classrooms.

The educational task of our school starts off a competent child, powerful, able to choose, with curiosity, desirous to learn and protagonist of his own process of learning. Our priority is to attend basic needs of the child (affection, diet, hygiene, rest…) and therefore the daily routines are the axis of our activities along the day.

Our methodological base is the multiple intelligences theory. We organize the space in the school with educational materials offering educational proposals to activate game, curiosity and innate disposal to significant learning through discovery and creativity.

The educators accompany the children in their own evolutionary and educational process. Our goal is to share with the families the education of children from the 6 months until the 3 years. The professionals of the kindergarten are in continuous training to face present and future educational challenges of children and their families.

Welcome to our kindergarten: