

Artificial climbing wall

Rules of use


1. General:


  • This is a sports installation designed for the practice of climbing and related activities.
  • Climbing is a sport that implies risk for the user. To practice climbing it is necessary to be conveniently instrumented and trained or tutored by a technician.
  • The utilization of this installation by minors requires of the written consent of his legal tutors.
  • Minors must have the supervision and accompaniment of a responsible adult.
  • Every adult must assume the risk that implies this sport.
  • On the other hand, the owner is not responsible of the consequences of wrong use of the installation or of the breach of these rules of use.

For more information contact Municipal Sports Pavilion of la Pobla de Segur (C/ La Font, s/n Tel. 973680644).

The schedule of the Climbing Wall is from Monday to Saturday of 10:00 to 12:00h and of 17:00h to 22:00h.

In case of accident call emergency number: 112.

2. Access:
  • Every person that accesses to the climbing wall must have signed the responsibility sheet, where he or she affirms to be an expert climber and has all the necessary knowledge for a correct and safe practice of climbing, knows all the required material for the practice of sportive climbing and its correct use and knows the rules of use.
  • The access remains limited to a maximum capacity of 7 people climbing (1 per route). The access to the installation gives right to use the installation during the maximum time of an hour if there are users waiting for it.
  • The climbers will use the changing rooms and the closets of the Pavilion of Sports.
3. Security:
  • The climber has to ensure himself to all the insurance points and cannot skip any of them.
  • The climber cannot add any more insurance points than the ones described in the diagram.
  • The climbing ropes must be 30 m long minimum.
  • In the manoeuvres and rappel platform, the climber must always remain anchored to a point of insurance.
  • The maximum amount of users in the platform at the same time is 1.
  • The insurer must know the basics to exert his function and use the required instruments (self-blocking breaks, security karabiners, harness, etc.).
  • The climbers must be equipped with harness, helmet and climbing shoes.
  • The drop maneuvres must be soft and low-speed.
  • The holes for hold must only be used for holding preys. They must not be used for holding security plates, rings or ropes.
  • Zip-lines, tibetan bridges and cables cannot be attached to the climbing wall by any means without express permission of the manufacturer (Gàrgola S.L.)
  • The security zone for the activity in the climbing wall is 1m from the highest point of overhang. In that case, the area must be 5.5m wide and 7m. long.
  • Climbers must have the federative license in order or homologous.
  • The pavilion has an insurance of accidents.
4. Obligatory nature:
  • It is compulsory the use of climbing shoes in the climbing wall and the placing of mats under the paths used.
  • Users must communicate to the Municipal Sports Board any anomaly in the installation and/or elements placed in it.
5. It is not allowed:
  • The use of the climbing wall with the same footwear used outside the pavilion
  • Shirtless climbing
  • To climb under another climber.
  • To smoke in all the building.
  • To eat or to drink in the climbing wall room.
  • The use of solid challe. It is allowed the use of liquid challe.
  • In the case that climbing courses or other activities are taking place in the climbing wall, it will remain closed to other users.

The non-observation of this rules of use and of other norms that could be established to the effect; the actions or omissions that during the use of the installation violate, prevent or perturb the correct use of the same, will head to the immediate expulsion from the installation and the opening of the sanctioning record by the Municipal Sports Board. The Committee of the Municipal Sports Board will call on express an instructor that will hand a proposal of sanction. To requirement of the Sports Area, the president of the Municipal Sports Board will inform of the initiated records.


SPORTS BOARD MEMBERS +18 years -18 years
Morning or afternoon session €2,50 €1,50
5 sessions bonus (morning or afternoon) €10,00 €7,00
10 sessions bonus (morning or afternoon) €18,00 €12,00
NO SPORTS BOARD MEMBERS +18 years -18 years
Morning or afternoon session €4,00 €3,00
5 sessions bonus (morning or afternoon) €16,00 €13,00
10 sessions bonus (morning or afternoon) €32,00 €24,00