La Pobla de Segur Ski Club (CEPS)
La Pobla de Segur Ski Club (CEPS) was founded the year 1971 with the aim to train good skiers from our town and surroundings. The club, very active in its beginnings, fell into inactivity until 1990, when a group of local skiers gave it a new impulse and it started to work again, growing a lot in few years. The goal of CEPS was to train complete skiers and specially giving the opportunity to children and youth to initiate. That made CEPS a club that favors learning and enjoying ski over competition. Over time, the club has created a “mountain sports section”, specially focused on ski mountaineering, trail running and rock climbing. This “mountain sports section” organizes relevant activities such as the ski mountaineering competition “Open Vall Fosca” or the vertical kilometer course “Vertical Cabanera”. Nowadays CEPS counts over 1000 associates.
Our main activity is the organization of weekly alpine ski courses for children, teenagers and adults. They take place in Port-Ainé (Pallars Sobirà) once a week during winter, and they cover from rookies to advanced levels. Children and teenagers from this courses take part in the School Ski League. The last 2 years, we added initiation courses of ski mountaineering, for teenagers and adults. We organize the Firaski too, with a large market of second-hand ski&mountain equipment, and several sports competitions: “Open Vall Fosca” in ski mountaineering, and several courses within the Correpallars (Local Trail Running League): Vertical Cabanera (which is part of the Vertical Km World Circuit) and l’Espardenyada. Moreover, we organize excursions to further ski resorts, guided tours of ski mountaineering and trekking excursions for our associates.