AEiG Escoltes de la Pobla de Segur (EPS)
The scout and guide group Escoltes de la Pobla de Segur (EPS) was founded the February 14th , 1975. EPS began its activities thanks to an encouraged group of friends who wanted to promote activities of leisure for the children of the village. They also wanted to treat subjects that interested and motivated them through conversations, debates, meetings and games. At present, thanks to the well done volunteer work and the faith in the project, the team of monitors (caps) are a group of 20 youngsters between 18 and 25 years old that promote an educational project for a group of almost 100 children and teenagers divided in five groups of age: castors i potes tendres, llops i daines, esparvers, ràngers i guies, pioners i caravel·les and truc.
During the year we have regular activities every two weeks. With the younger groups we work through a storytelling and games we educate in values and learn to get along with the group. With the older ones, through the work by projects, we motivate the youngsters to be participative, active, engaged and critical citizens and, at the same time, we learn to organize ourselves to achieve our goals. We also take part in the village activities such as the Castanyada or games for the children in popular festivities. Besides, we do three whole weekend excursions each year: one in October, to celebrate the beginning of a new school year, at Christimas and at Easter. In summer a summecamp of a week takes place, where younger groups do a stable camp and the older ones a route, being the greatest moment of the year.