“Cors Operístics” with Camareta Granados
This Saturday, November 26, the parish church of La Pobla de Segur welcomed the large audience attending the concert “Cors Operístics”, the first production of the Camareta Granados, a show that has the support of the Ilerdencs Institute of Studies, the Provincial Council of Lleida and the Town Hall of La Pobla de Segur.
La Camareta Granados is a musical group of artists from the Lleidatan regions that was created during the pandemic and is directed by the populatan director Pau Romero-Andreu. In this show they are accompanied by the soprano Iolanda Dolcet from Lleida and a large choir made up of singers from the Coral d’Avui de Agramunt, the Banahà choir from Bellvís, the Stabat Mater choir from Mollerusa and the Verge de Ribera from La Pobla de Segur.
More than a hundred musicians and singers made the public enjoy all kinds of operatic music for a long time, from bel canto to verismo or opera buffa. The first part was dedicated to large areas of composers such as Mozart, Puccini, Bellini, Rossini or Bizet, while in the second the choirs had a more participatory role, interpreting well-known choirs from operas by Verdi, Wagner, Mascagni or Donizetti. The standing audience gave a long-standing ovation for the interpretation of the entire group of artists and was matched with a magnificent encore: the famous “Libiamo ne’lieti calci” from Verdi’s opera “La traviata”. Apart from bringing opera closer to an audience that does not have the opportunity to listen to this type of music in our regions, this concert allows the interaction of amateur choirs and that they act with a professional orchestra interpreting a repertoire that they often do not work with.
This show, opening in Juneda on November 6, could also be seen last Friday at the Enric Granados Auditorium in Lleida and this Sunday at the L’Amistat theater in Mollerusa.