27 Nov 2018

The Christmas Market is back

The Christmas Market of la Pobla de Segur will take place next Saturday 8th of December, from 11 am to 8 pm in the Plaça de l’Arbre, with a diversity of local agrifood and artisan products offered and a varied program of activities for all kinds of public.

In the morning, from 11.30 am to 1:30 pm activities for children will fill the market: a cooking workshop of Christmas’ cookies decoration in the Plaça de l’Arbre and a literary gymkhana called “Which book is hidden behind the enigmas?” offered by Alba Jussà in els Encants del Llibre (Plaça de la Pedrera). In the afternoon traditional music will fill the market with the duetto “Diplacúcia” at 6 pm.

During the whole long weekend of “la Puríssima” la Pobla’s local bars will offer the Capricis de Nadal (Christmas temptations): 4 degustations at € 1,50 each that will be found in Bar Pizzeria Dani, Bar Sport, CTretze Craft Brewery and Braseria les Falles. If you taste the four of them you can participate in a draw of a meal for two people in a local restaurant.